Most Dangerous Festivals in the World

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Running of the Bulls, Pamplona, Spain 

This festival is famous for its daring participants who run through the narrow streets of Pamplona, Spain, chased by bulls. While injuries and even deaths are rare, the risk is real 

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Baby Jumping Festival, Castrillo de Murcia, Spain 

In this festival, men dressed as devils jump over babies born in the past year. The babies are placed on mattresses on the ground, and the men jump over them carefully. However, there have been accidents in the past, and some babies have been injured.. 

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Cheese Rolling, Gloucestershire, England 

In this festival, participants chase a rolling wheel of cheese down a steep hill. The race is dangerous, and participants can easily fall and injure themselves. 

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Firewalking Festival, Japan 

In this festival, participants walk over hot coals. The coals can reach temperatures of up to 1,300 degrees Celsius, and participants can easily burn their feet. 

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Takanakuy Festival, Apurimac, Peru  

This festival is a traditional way for people to settle disputes. Participants punch and kick each other until one of them gives up. While the festival is supposed to be a way to release anger and tension, it can lead to serious injuries. 

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Yanshui Beehive Rockets Festival, Tainan, Taiwan  

In this festival, participants launch thousands of beehive rockets into the air. The rockets can be dangerous, and participants can be injured by flying sparks and debris 

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Full-fat dairy products 

Full-fat dairy products, such as whole milk, cheese, and yogurt, are high in saturated fat. Saturated fat can increase the amount of fat in the liver and contribute to fatty liver disease 

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La Tomatina, Buñol, Spain 

This festival is a massive food fight where participants throw tomatoes at each other. While the festival is mostly harmless, participants can be injured by flying tomatoes. 

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Up Helly Aa, Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Scotland 

This festival is a Viking-inspired fire festival where participants set fire to a replica of a Viking longship. While the festival is spectacular, it is also dangerous, and participants can be injured by flying sparks and debris.

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Burning Man, Nevada, USA 

This festival is a week-long event where participants build and burn large-scale art installations. The festival is known for its wild atmosphere and its unique culture. However, the festival can also be dangerous, and participants can be injured by fire, dust, and other hazards. 

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