Most Unethical Psychological Experiments of all Time

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Nazi human experimentation 

Nazi human experimentation was conducted on prisoners in concentration camps during World War II. Experiments included attempts to genetically manipulate twins, bone, muscle, and nerve transplantation, exposure to diseases and chemical gasses, sterilization, and other horrific procedures.

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The Tuskegee syphilis study 

Nazi human experimentation was conducted on prisoners in concentration camps during World War II. Experiments included attempts to genetically manipulate twins, bone, muscle, and nerve transplantation, exposure to diseases and chemical gasses, sterilization, and other horrific procedures.

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The Stanford Prison Experiment  

The Stanford Prison Experiment was conducted by psychologist Philip Zimbardo in 1971. The experiment involved randomly assigning college students to be either prisoners or guards in a mock prison environment. The guards quickly became abusive and the prisoners became submissive. 

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The Milgram experiment 

The Milgram experiment was conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram in the early 1960s. The experiment tested participants' willingness to obey authority figures, even when instructed to do something harmful to another person 

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The Little Albert experiment 

The Little Albert experiment was conducted by psychologist John B. Watson and his graduate student Rosalie Rayner in 1920. The experiment involved conditioning a nine-month-old boy named Albert to fear a white rat. Watson and Rayner did this by pairing the rat with a loud, startling noise. 

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The Monkey Drug Trials 

The Monkey Drug Trials were conducted by psychologist Harry Harlow in the late 1960s. Harlow hooked monkeys on a variety of drugs, including cocaine, morphine, and amphetamines. 

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The Aversion Project  

The Aversion Project was conducted in South Africa during the apartheid era. The project was an attempt to "cure" homosexuality using electroshock therapy and chemical castration. The project was conducted on gay men without their consent.

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