10 Greatest Civilizations of All Time

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Mesopotamian Civilization

Flourished in present-day Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Turkey, and Iran, considered the cradle of civilization.

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Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Renowned for its pyramids, pharaohs, and complex social structure along the Nile River.

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Indus Valley Civilization

One of the three oldest civilizations globally, thrived in parts of modern-day Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India.

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Ancient Greek Civilization

Birthed democracy, philosophy, theatre, and the Olympic Games, profoundly impacting Western culture.

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Roman Empire

Established a vast empire across Europe and the Mediterranean, leaving behind a legacy in law, architecture, literature, and language.

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Chinese Civilization

One of the world's oldest continuous civilizations, boasting significant contributions in science, technology, art, and literature.

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Mayan Civilization

Flourished in Mesoamerica, renowned for their complex writing system, calendar system, and impressive city-states.

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Aztec Civilization

Established a powerful empire in central Mexico, known for their impressive architecture, sophisticated agriculture, and unique belief system.

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Gupta Empire

Ruled over much of India between the 4th and 6th centuries CE, considered a golden age in Indian history.

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Islamic Civilization

Flourished from the 7th to the 15th centuries, encompassing a vast region from Spain to India.

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