Top 10 Historical Facts that happened in London

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Founded by the Romans

The city's story begins in 43 AD when the Romans, led by Emperor Claudius, established a settlement called Londinium on the banks of the River Thames.

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Great Fire of London (1666)

One of the most devastating events in London's history, the Great Fire raged for four days, destroying most of the medieval city.

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The Black Death (1348-1349)

This devastating plague swept through Europe, and London was no exception.

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Signing of the Magna Carta (1215)

While not technically happening in London itself, King John signed the Magna Carta at Runnymede, just outside the city, in 1215.

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The Great Plague of London (1665)

Just a year before the Great Fire, London was struck by another major catastrophe, the Great Plague.

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The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II (1953)

Held at Westminster Abbey, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 was a momentous occasion, witnessed by millions around the world.

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The Great Exhibition of 1851

This landmark event, held in Hyde Park, showcased the achievements of the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian Age to the world.

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The Blitz (1940-1941)

During World War II, London endured a sustained bombing campaign by the German Luftwaffe known as the Blitz.

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The Suffragette Movement

London was a central stage for the early 20th-century women's suffrage movement, with courageous women like Emmeline Pankhurst and the Pankhursts leading the fight for women's right to vote.

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2012 Olympic Games

London hosted the 2012 Summer Olympics, a global sporting event that brought together athletes and spectators from around the world.

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