10 Lesser-Known Stories of American Revolution

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The bravery of Deborah Sampson

Deborah Sampson disguised herself as a man named Robert Shurtliff and enlisted in the Continental Army.

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The daring raid on Nassau

In 1776, American privateers led by John Paul Jones raided the British port of Nassau in the Bahamas.

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The role of women in the war

Women played a crucial role in the American Revolution, not only on the battlefield but also at home.

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The importance of African Americans in the war

Thousands of African Americans fought for the Continental Army, both as free men and as slaves who promised freedom in exchange for their service.

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The Battle of Saratoga

The Battles of Saratoga, fought in 1777, were a turning point in the war.

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The winter encampment at Valley Forge

During the winter of 1777-1778, the Continental Army faced harsh conditions at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

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The role of spies

Spies played an important role in the war for both the British and the Americans.

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The financial challenges of the war

The Continental Congress faced significant financial challenges during the war.

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The Treaty of Paris

The Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783, officially ended the American Revolutionary War.

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The legacy of the American Revolution

The American Revolution had a profound impact on the United States and the world.

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