10 Tips for Building a Capsule Wardrobe in USA

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Define Your Style

It all starts with you!  Think about the occasions you dress for most often, your climate, and what makes you feel confident.

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Declutter Ruthlessly

Be honest with yourself.  What haven't you worn in a year? What doesn't fit right? Donate or sell gently used items and say goodbye to clothes that don't spark joy.

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Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Invest in well-made pieces that will last. Classic silhouettes and neutral colors are your friends here.

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Embrace Neutrals

A foundation of neutral-colored clothing like black, white, navy, beige, and grey will be the workhorses of your capsule.

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Don't Forget Versatility

Every piece should earn its spot in your closet. Choose items you can dress up or down, layer for different seasons, and wear with multiple outfits.

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Consider Your Climate

The USA has diverse weather patterns. If you live in a place with four distinct seasons, you'll need a capsule for each.

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Accessorize Wisely

Accessories can add personality and polish to any outfit.

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Shoes Matter

Having a few key pairs of shoes will ensure you're covered for any occasion.

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Shop with Intention

Resist impulse buys!  Stick to your list and focus on filling gaps in your capsule wardrobe.

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Maintain and Refresh

Take care of your clothes! Wash them properly, store them neatly, and repair any minor damage.

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