10 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint in USA

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Get Around Differently

Cars are a major source of emissions in the United States.

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reducing consumption is the best way to cut down on waste. Try to buy only what you need and avoid impulse purchases.

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Eat Less Meat

Meat production is a significant source of greenhouse gases.

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Conserve Energy at Home

Make your home more energy-efficient by sealing air leaks, upgrading appliances to Energy Star models, and using LED light bulbs.

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Beware of Fast Fashion

The clothing industry is a major polluter.  Buy high-quality clothing that will last and avoid fast fashion trends.

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Power Down Electronics

Don't leave electronics on standby mode; turn them off completely when you're not using them.

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Be Mindful of How Much Water You Use

Take shorter showers, fix leaky faucets, and only run washing machines and dishwashers when they are full.pen_spark

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Support Sustainable Businesses

Do your research and choose to support companies that are committed to sustainability.

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Travel Smarter

When traveling long distances, consider flying less and opting for trains or buses instead.

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Get Involved

Educate yourself about climate change and get involved in advocacy efforts.

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