10 Must-Have Apps for Pet Owners in USA

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This app helps pet owners find and book pet-friendly hotels, attractions, and restaurants.

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This app connects pet owners with pet sitters and dog walkers in their area.

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Similar to Rover, Wag! allows pet owners to find and book dog walking, pet sitting, and drop-in visits.

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Pet First Aid by the American Red Cross

This app provides pet owners with critical information on how to handle pet emergencies.

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This app is a convenient way to order pet food, treats, and other supplies.

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This app allows pet owners to connect with licensed veterinarians for online consultations.

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Cafe Evergreen (Seattle, Washington)

This cafe offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere for both humans and their canine companions.

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This app helps pet owners track their pet's weight, food intake, medications, and other health data.

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Dog Walk Tracker

This app tracks your dog's walks, including distance, pace, duration, and calories burned.

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This app offers a variety of training resources for dog owners, including video tutorials, clicker training, and progress tracking.

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This app is an all-in-one pet management tool that allows you to track your pet's appointments, vaccinations, medications, and weight.

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