What Makes Chandra Kaal Regarded as Inauspicious?

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Astrological Beliefs: In Vedic astrology, the moon is associated with the mind, emotions, and mental stability.

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Impact on Decision Making: It's believed that decisions made during Chandra Kaal may not yield favorable outcomes, as the diminished influence of the moon could lead to cloudy judgment and impulsiveness.

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Spiritual Practices: In Hinduism, Chandra Kaal is often avoided for spiritual practices and ceremonies, including weddings, housewarming ceremonies, and important events, as it's believed that the energy during this time is not conducive to positive outcomes.

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Traditional Customs: Many traditional customs and rituals have been passed down through generations, advising against starting new ventures or important tasks during Chandra Kaal due to the perceived negative influence.

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Health Concerns: Some also believe that Chandra Kaal is associated with increased susceptibility to illnesses and accidents, so precautions are taken to avoid initiating new activities during this time.

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Mythological Beliefs: There are also mythological stories and beliefs associated with the moon's phases, contributing to the perception of inauspiciousness during Chandra Kaal.

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