10 Famous Spells from Harry Potter World

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Wingardium Leviosa

This spell is used to levitate objects. It is one of the first spells that Harry and his friends learn at Hogwarts. 

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This spell is used to disarm an opponent. It is Harry's signature spell, and he uses it to defeat Voldemort in the final battle. 

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This spell is used to light the tip of one's wand. It is a simple but useful spell, and it is used by witches and wizards of all ages. 

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This spell is used to unlock doors. It is a popular spell among students at Hogwarts, who often use it to sneak around the castle. 

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Avada Kedavra

This spell is the Killing Curse. It is one of the three Unforgivable Curses, and it is used by Voldemort and his Death Eaters to kill their enemies. 

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Expecto Patronum

This spell is used to conjure a Patronus, a magical guardian that can protect the caster from Dementors. It is a difficult spell to master, but it is essential for anyone who wants to fight against the forces of darkness. 

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This spell is used to erase someone's memory. It is a powerful spell, and it can be used for both good and evil. 

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Petrificus Totalu

This spell is used to paralyze the target. It is a useful spell for self-defense, but it can also be used to incapacitate an enemy. 

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This spell is used to defeat a Boggart, a creature that takes the form of the caster's worst fear. The caster must concentrate on a funny image of their fear in order to defeat it. 

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This spell is a dark curse that inflicts deep cuts on the target. It was invented by Severus Snape, and he used it against James Potter when they were both students at Hogwarts. 

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