Animals Most Loyal to Their Mate

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Polar bear 

Polar bears are one of the most iconic symbols of climate change. They rely on sea ice for hunting and breeding, but sea ice is melting at an alarming rate. 

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Snow leopard 

Snow leopards live in the high mountains of Central Asia, where they are well-adapted to the cold climate. However, climate change is causing temperatures to rise in the mountains, and snow leopard habitat is shrinking 

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Giant panda 

Giant pandas live in bamboo forests in China. Climate change is causing bamboo to die off in some areas, and pandas are having to travel further to find food. Pandas are also threatened by habitat loss due to deforestation and agriculture. 

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Tigers live in forests and grasslands across Asia. Climate change is causing droughts and wildfires, which are destroying tiger habitat. Tigers are also threatened by poaching and habitat loss due to human development. 

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Monarch butterfly 

Monarch butterflies are known for their long-distance migrations. Climate change is disrupting these migrations, and monarch populations are declining.  

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Green sea turtle 

Green sea turtles live in coastal waters around the world. Climate change is causing sea levels to rise and beaches to erode, which is destroying turtle nesting habitat. 

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Leatherback sea turtle 

Leatherback sea turtles are the largest sea turtles in the world. They live in all oceans, but they are particularly vulnerable to climate change.  

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Harp seal 

Harp seals live in the Arctic Ocean. Climate change is causing sea ice to decline, which is reducing the amount of habitat available for harp seals to breed and raise their pups. 

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Arctic fox  

Arctic foxes live in the Arctic tundra. Climate change is causing the tundra to melt, which is destroying Arctic fox habitat. Arctic foxes are also threatened by hunting and disease. 

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African elephant 

African elephants live in savannas and grasslands across Africa. Climate change is causing droughts and habitat loss, which is making it difficult for elephants to find food and water. 

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