Birds That Can Kill HUMANS 

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The cassowary is a large flightless bird native to the forests of New Guinea and northern Australia. It is known for its powerful legs, sharp claws, and aggressive behavior. Cassowaries have been responsible for a few human fatalities, primarily when humans provoke or corner them. 

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Ostriches are the largest and heaviest birds globally, and they have powerful legs and sharp claws. While ostriches are not generally aggressive, they can become territorial and attack humans if they feel threatened or cornered. 

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Swans are known for their graceful appearance, but they can be quite territorial and aggressive during their nesting season. Swans may attack humans who get too close to their nests, using their strong beaks and wings to defend their territory. 

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Similar to ostriches, emus are large flightless birds that can be aggressive when they feel threatened. While emu attacks on humans are rare, they have powerful legs and sharp claws, which could potentially cause harm. 

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While not typically fatal, geese can be aggressive, especially during their nesting season. They may hiss, peck, or chase humans who get too close to their nests or goslings. 

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