The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) is a government agency responsible for conducting various civil service exams in the state of Assam, India. The commission is responsible for recruiting candidates for various positions in the state government and its subordinate offices. One of the most popular exams conducted by the APSC is the Combined Competitive Exam (CCE), which is also known as the APSC Exam.
The APSC Exam is conducted in three stages: Preliminary, Main, and Interview. Candidates who qualify for all three steps are selected for various posts under the APSC. These posts can be broadly categorized into two groups: Class I and Class II.

Class I Posts:
The Class I posts are the top-ranking positions in the APSC hierarchy. These posts require the highest level of qualifications and experience. Candidates who are selected for Class I posts are responsible for managing and supervising various departments of the state government. Some of Class I posts under the APSC are:
- Assam Civil Service (ACS): The ACS is a Class I post that requires candidates to have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. The selected candidates are responsible for managing various departments of the state government, including revenue, finance, and administration.
- Assam Police Service (APS): The APS is another Class I post that requires candidates to have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. The selected candidates are responsible for managing the state police force and ensuring law and order in the state.
- Superintendent of Taxes: The Superintendent of Taxes is a Class I post that requires candidates to have a degree in Commerce, Economics, or Mathematics. The selected candidates are responsible for managing the state’s tax collection system and ensuring that all taxes are collected promptly and efficiently.
Also Read: Best Books for APSC Preparation
Class II Posts:
The Class II posts are the lower-ranking positions in the APSC hierarchy. These posts require a lower level of qualifications and experience compared to the Class I posts. Candidates who are selected for Class II posts are responsible for supporting the Class I officers in managing various departments of the state government. Some of the Class II posts under the APSC are:
- Assam Land and Revenue Service (ALRS): The ALRS is a Class II post that requires candidates to have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. The selected candidates are responsible for assisting the ACS officers in managing the state government’s revenue and land records departments.
- Labour Inspector: The Labour Inspector is a Class II post that requires candidates to have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. The selected candidates are responsible for ensuring that employers and employees follow all state labor laws.
- Excise Inspector: The Excise Inspector is a Class II post that requires candidates to have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. The selected candidates are responsible for managing the state’s liquor and narcotics industry and ensuring that all laws related to the same are being followed.
The APSC Exam is one of the most sought-after exams in the state of Assam, and candidates who are selected for various posts under the APSC have a bright career ahead of them. The various Class I and Class II posts under the APSC offer candidates a wide range of opportunities to serve the state government and contribute to the development of the state.