For the next SSC CGL exam 2022, the SSC CGL Selection Process 2022 has been altered. For the upcoming recruiting drive, the Commission has implemented a two-tier screening process. The Commission made the announcement in an official notification issued on September 17, 2022. Previously, the SSC CGL Selection Process included four Tiers or phases, but this year’s exam design and selection process have been amended by the exam conducting authorities. You may learn more about the changes by scrolling down this page.
Before establishing their study plan, the candidate should be familiar with the most recent SSC CGL selection process and SSC CGL exam pattern. If you intend to study for the upcoming SSC CGL 2022 exam, you must first go through the SSC CGL Selection Process 2022, which is detailed below. According to the most recent notification, we have covered all of the data about the CGL Selection Process and exam pattern.
2022 SSC CGL Selection Process
The most recent SSC CGL selection procedure has two stages: Tier 1 and Tier 2. Candidates will be shortlisted for the Tier 2 exam based on their performance in Tier 1 (Computer Based Examination). This indicates that those who pass SSC CGL Tier 1 in 2022 will be eligible to take Tier 2.
Tier 1: Computer-Based Examination
Tier 2: Computer-Based Examination
Furthermore, Tier 1 of the SSC CGL Selection Process is an objective-type test with multiple-choice questions on four separate subjects: General Awareness, General Intelligence and Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude or Mathematics, and English Comprehension. The Tier 1 question paper will include 100 questions, each worth two points. As a result, the exam will be worth 200 points and will last 60 minutes. On our website, you may find out more about the SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2022.
In contrast, Tier 2 of the SSC CGL Selection Process will be divided into three sections known as Paper 1, 2, and 3. Paper 1 is required for all candidates seeking for any position, whereas Papers 2 and 3 are only for certain positions. You may learn more about the examinations by scrolling down.
SSC CGL 2022 Tier 1 Selection Process
Tier 1 of the SSC CGL selection process includes four subjects:
- Quantitative aptitude
- English
- Reasoning
- General knowledge.
It is a computer-based multiple-choice test with 100 questions (25 from each subject) with a time limit of 60 minutes. Each question is worth two points, with a 0.5-point penalty for incorrect answers.
Tier 1 of the SSC CGL selection process 2022 is more than just a qualifying paper; rather, the Tier 1 score is used to create the qualifying list for the Tier 2 examination as well as to generate the ultimate merit list. As a result, grades acquired in Tier 1 are quite useful in the final SSC CGL selection process. Students who perform well in Tier 1 have a better chance of making the final merit list. As a result, a high Tier 1 score not only benefits you in the long run, but it also instils confidence in applicants for Tier 2 and the subsequent treatment. You can look at the previous year’s SSC CGL cut off to see how much you need to score.

SSC CGL 2022 Tier 2 Selection Process
The SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam is the most important and decision-making stage in the SSC CGL Selection Process. Tier 2 will consist of three papers, according to the most recent announcement. Paper 1 will be required of all candidates, regardless of the position for which they have applied. Paper 2 will be for candidates applying for the position of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO), and Paper 3 will be for individuals applying for the position of Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer. Continue reading to understand more about Tier 2 of the SSC CGL Selection Process.

Candidates should also keep the following points in mind:
Candidates should be aware that taking Paper-1 of Tier 2 is obligatory for all candidates.
However, only those who have been shortlisted will be required to take Papers 2 and 3.
The Papers will be broken into sections and modules, and candidates will have a certain amount of time to complete these portions.
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