10 Animals that consume their young

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Emperor penguins 

When food is scarce, the dominant male penguin may kill and eat the eggs or chicks of subordinate males. 

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Female kangaroos may kill and eat their joeys if they are stressed or if the joey is sick or injured. 

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Krill are small crustaceans that are an important part of the food chain in the ocean. They have been known to cannibalize their own young, especially when food is scarce. 

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Some species of snakes, such as the king cobra, may eat their young if they are stressed or if the young are not getting enough food. 

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In rare cases, female lions may kill and eat their own cubs. This is more likely to happen if the cubs are weak or sick, or if the lioness is trying to conserve resources. 

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Female hyenas have been known to cannibalize their own cubs, especially if they are not strong enough to survive. 

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Dolphins are usually social animals, but they have been known to kill and eat their own young in rare cases. This is thought to be a way for the dolphins to maintain their social hierarchy. 

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Bonobos are closely related to chimpanzees, and they have been known to cannibalize their own young in rare cases. This is thought to be a way for the bonobos to control their population. 

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Crows are intelligent birds that have been known to cannibalize their own young in rare cases. This is thought to be a way for the crows to remove weak or sick chicks from the nest. 

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Polar bears 

Polar bears have been known to eat their own cubs in rare cases. This is thought to be a way for the mother to conserve energy and resources if she is unable to find enough food to support herself and her cubs. 

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