10 Signs of Iron Deficiency in Your Skin, Hair, Nails

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Pale Skin 

Iron deficiency can cause a decrease in the production of red blood cells, leading to a pale or sallow complexion. 

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Iron is essential for carrying oxygen to cells throughout the body. Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue and weakness, which can affect the overall appearance of the skin. 

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Cold Hands and Feet 

Poor circulation due to iron deficiency can result in colder extremities, which may manifest as cold and pale skin on the hands and feet. 

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Hair Loss 

Iron deficiency can lead to hair loss, and you may notice increased shedding or thinning of your hair. 

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Brittle Nails 

Iron is necessary for healthy nail growth. Iron deficiency can result in brittle, thin, and spoon-shaped nails (a condition known as koilonychia). 

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Pale or Blue-Grey Nails 

The nails may lose their healthy pinkish color and become pale or even develop a bluish or grayish tint, indicating reduced oxygen supply. 

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Dry and Itchy Skin 

Iron deficiency can affect the skin's ability to retain moisture, leading to dry, itchy, and flaky skin. 

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Angular Cheilitis 

Iron deficiency can cause cracks or sores at the corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis), which can be painful and affect your appearance. 

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Pale Mucous Membranes 

The inside of your mouth and the mucous membranes of your eyes may appear paler than usual when iron levels are low.

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Increased Susceptibility to Infections 

Iron is essential for a strong immune system. Iron-deficient individuals may be more prone to infections, which can also affect the skin's appearance. 

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