10 Surreal Natural Wonders to Witness in USA

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Fly Geyser, Nevada

This otherworldly geyser erupts in the Black Rock Desert, spewing scalding water up to 50 feet high.

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Antelope Canyon, Arizona

Located near the Grand Canyon, Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon known for its stunningly beautiful sandstone formations.

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Mendenhall Ice Caves, Alaska

Located near Juneau, Alaska, the Mendenhall Ice Caves are a series of caves carved into the Mendenhall Glacier.

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The Wave, Arizona

Located near the Arizona-Utah border, The Wave is a sandstone rock formation with swirling patterns and vibrant colors.

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Mono Lake, California

Located in eastern California, Mono Lake is an ancient saline lake with otherworldly tufa formations that rise from the water's surface.

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Thor's Well, Oregon

Located on the Oregon coast, Thor's Well is a large, deep chasm that appears to drain the ocean with each crashing wave.

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Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Home to thousands of hoodoos (tall, thin rock spires), Bryce Canyon National Park offers a landscape unlike any other.

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White Sands National Park, New Mexico

Located in southern New Mexico, White Sands National Park is the largest gypsum dunefield on Earth.

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Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah

Located near Arches National Park, Natural Bridges National Monument is home to three massive natural bridges carved by the elements over millions of years.

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Bioluminescent Bay, Puerto Rico

While not technically part of the mainland US, Puerto Rico is a US territory and this natural wonder is too amazing to leave out!

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