10 Tips for Saving Money on Travel in USA

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Be flexible with your travel dates

Consider traveling during the shoulder seasons (spring and fall) or even the off-season (winter or summer) to avoid peak travel times and inflated prices.

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Track down flight deals

There are a number of websites and apps that can help you find deals on flights, such as Google Flights, Kayak, and Hopper.

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Consider alternative airports

If you're flying into a major city, check to see if there are any smaller airports nearby that may offer cheaper flights.

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Look for deals on accommodation

There are a number of ways to save money on accommodation, such as staying in hostels, Airbnbs, or vacation rentals.

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Take advantage of free activities

There are many free things to see and do in the USA, such as visiting national parks, exploring hiking trails, or checking out museums on free admission days.

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Pack light

Airlines often charge fees for checked bags, so pack light to avoid these charges.

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Cook your own meals

Eating out can be expensive, so consider cooking some of your own meals during your trip.

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Bring a refillable water bottle

Buying bottled water can add up quickly. Instead, bring a refillable water bottle and fill it up at water fountains or taps.

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Take advantage of public transportation

Public transportation can be a great way to get around, especially in major cities.

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Skip the souvenirs

Souvenirs can be a fun way to remember your trip, but they can also be expensive.

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