8 Beautiful flowers to plant in Monsoon 

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1. Marigold (Tagetes): 

Marigolds are renowned for their vibrant and cheerful blooms, available in shades of orange, yellow, and red. These low-maintenance flowers can withstand heavy rainfall. 

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2. Zinnia: 

Zinnias offer a wide range of colors, including pink, red, orange, yellow, and white. These resilient flowers are easy to cultivate and attract butterflies to your garden. 

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3. Petunia:

Petunias, with their trumpet-shaped blossoms, are popular annuals. They come in various hues such as purple, pink, red, and white. Petunias thrive during the monsoon and require regular watering. 

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4. Salvia:

Salvia plants produce spikes of vibrant flowers in shades of blue, purple, pink, or red. They are hardy and can tolerate wet conditions during the monsoon. 

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5. Cosmos:

Cosmos flowers feature delicate daisy-like blooms in pink, white, and purple shades. These easy-to-grow flowers add an elegant touch to your garden during the rainy season. 

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6. Hibiscus :

Hibiscus flowers boast large and showy blooms. They are available in colors such as red, pink, yellow, and white. Hibiscus plants flourish in the monsoon due to the increased humidity. 

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7. Impatiens : 

Impatiens are shade-loving plants that produce clusters of colorful blooms. With hues ranging from pink and red to orange and white, these flowers bring a splash of color to shaded areas during the monsoon. 

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8. Lantana: 

Lantana is a versatile flowering plant that forms clusters of tiny flowers. It comes in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, pink, and purple. Lantanas are sturdy and can withstand both wet and dry conditions. 

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