Amazing Facts about Wells Cathedral

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Pioneering Gothic Architecture

Construction began in 1175, making it the first English cathedral built entirely in the Gothic style.

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A Three-Century Endeavor

While the main structure was completed in around 80 years, the cathedral continued to evolve over the next three centuries.

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The Chapter House Marvel

The octagonal Chapter House, built in the 1290s, is a marvel of medieval engineering.

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A Symphony of Stained Glass

Despite suffering damage during the English Civil War, the cathedral still boasts one of the most extensive collections of medieval stained glass in England.

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The Astronomical Clock's Fascinating Performance

The ancient clock, believed to be the second-oldest working clock mechanism in the world, puts on a captivating show every quarter-hour.

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Whispers of the Sheared Man

Keep an eye out for the carved figure of a man with no ears on the west front.

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Echoes of Glastonbury

The cathedral's Somerset Blue Lias stone was quarried from the Glastonbury Tor, a legendary site associated with King Arthur and the Holy Grail.

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Hollywood Spotlight

The cathedral has served as a backdrop for numerous films and television shows, including Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Three Musketeers, and Doctor Who.

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A Haven for Nature

The cathedral grounds are a haven for wildlife, with over 200 species of birds recorded, including peregrine falcons that nest on the tower.

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A Place of Community

Beyond its architectural splendor, the cathedral remains a vital part of the Wells community, hosting regular services, concerts, workshops, and educational events.

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