Animals That Can Survive From Falling 

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1. Cats 

Cats are known for their ability to survive falls from great heights. This is due to a number of factors, including their flexible spines, their ability to rotate their bodies in mid-air, and their thick fur, which can help to cushion their impact. 

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2. Rats 

Rats are another animal that can survive falls from great heights. This is because they are relatively light weight and have a low terminal velocity. 

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3. Squirrels 

Squirrels are also very good at surviving falls. This is because they are small and lightweight, and they have a number of adaptations that help them to slow their descent, such as their bushy tails and their ability to spread their bodies out in mid-air.

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4. Lizards 

Lizards can also survive falls from great heights, even from heights as high as several hundred feet. This is because they are lightweight and have a number of adaptations that help to protect them from injury, such as flexible skin and the ability to shed their tails. 

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5. Cockroaches 

Cockroaches are extremely resilient creatures and can survive falls from great heights. This is because they are small and lightweight, and they have a hard exoskeleton that protects them from injury. 

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