Animals That Can Survive in Extreme heat

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Camels are known as the "ships of the desert" for their ability to survive in hot, dry environments.  

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Chameleons are also well-adapted to living in hot environments. They have a number of features that help them to stay cool.

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Desert iguanas 

Desert iguanas are lizards that live in the deserts of North America. They are able to survive in temperatures of up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius). 

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Kangaroos are marsupials that live in the deserts and grasslands of Australia. They are able to survive in high temperatures by: – Panting to cool down – Licking their forearms and then letting the evaporation cool them off

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Meerkats are small mammals that live in the deserts of Africa. They are able to survive in high temperatures by: – Living in groups, which allows them to share shade and watch out for predator – Digging burrows to escape the heat

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Ostriches are large birds that live in the deserts of Africa. They are able to survive in high temperatures by: – Panting to cool down – Spreading their wings to shade their bodie

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Ruppell's foxes 

Rüppell's foxes are small foxes that live in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East. They are able to survive in high temperatures by: – Being active at night, when the temperatures are cooler – Living in burrow

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Saharan silver ants 

Saharan silver ants are small ants that live in the Sahara Desert. They are able to survive in high temperatures by: – Being active at night, when the temperatures are cooler – Building their nests underground

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Scorpions are arachnids that live in a variety of habitats, including deserts. They are able to survive in high temperatures by: – Being active at night, when the temperatures are cooler – Hiding under rocks and other objects during the day

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Tardigrades are microscopic creatures that are known for their ability to survive in extreme environments, including extreme heat. They can survive in temperatures of up to 151 degrees Celsius (304 degrees Fahrenheit).  

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