Animals That Have Sixth Sense 

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Pigeons have a highly developed ability to sense the Earth's magnetic field, which they use to navigate great distances. This ability is known as magnetoreception. 

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Salmon also have magnetoreception, which they use to find their way back to their home rivers to spawn. 

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Bees use a combination of magnetoreception and the position of the sun to navigate. They can also sense the Earth's electric field.

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Bats have a number of sixth senses, including echolocation, magnetoreception, and polarization vision. Echolocation allows them to navigate and hunt in the dark. 

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Dogs have a number of heightened senses, including hearing, smell, and taste. They may also have a sixth sense that allows them to sense danger or changes in their environment. 

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Horses have been known to sense danger and predators from a distance. 

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Cats have excellent night vision and hearing, which they use to hunt and defend themselves.

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Ants can communicate with each other using pheromones, which they use to find food, coordinate attacks, and defend their nests.

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Spiders can sense vibrations in the air and web, which they use to detect prey and predators.

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Dolphins have echolocation and echolocation-based communication, which they use to navigate, communicate, and find food.

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