Animals that play dead to survive 

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The opossum is the only North American marsupial and is known for its ability to play dead. When threatened, an opossum will fall to the ground, open its mouth, and let its tongue hang out. 

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Virginia hognose snake 

The Virginia hognose snake is a non-venomous snake that is native to the eastern United States. When threatened, the hognose snake will flatten its body, spread its hood, and hiss 

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There are many different species of beetles that can play dead. When threatened, a beetle will fall to the ground and lie on its back. It will remain motionless until the predator has passed.  

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Stick insect 

Stick insects are camouflaged to look like twigs or branches. However, if they are discovered by a predator, they will play dead by drooping from their perch and remaining still. 

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Millipedes are segmented invertebrates that are found all over the world. When threatened, a millipede will curl up into a ball and play dead. This makes it difficult for a predator to eat it. 

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Death feigning beetle 

The death feigning beetle is a type of beetle that is native to North America. When threatened, the death feigning beetle will fall to the ground and play dead. It may even release a foul-smelling liquid to deter the predator. 

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Ground squirrel 

Ground squirrels are small rodents that are found all over the world. When threatened, a ground squirrel will stand up on its hind legs and wave its front paws. If this does not deter the predator, the ground squirrel will play dead. 

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Tonic immobility 

Tonic immobility is a state of temporary paralysis that can occur in some animals when they are threatened. When an animal experiences tonic immobility, it will lie on its side or back and remain motionless.  

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