Do You know the real colour of the planets of our Solar System 

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1. Mercury: 

Mercury's surface appears predominantly gray or grayish-brown due to its rocky composition and minimal atmosphere. 

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2. Venus: 

Venus is often described as having a yellowish-white or cream color. Its thick, reflective cloud cover, primarily composed of sulfuric acid, contributes to this appearance. 

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3. Earth: 

From space, Earth appears mostly blue due to its abundant water bodies. The landmasses display various shades of green, brown, and white, including areas covered in snow and ice. 

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4. Mars: 

Mars is commonly referred to as the "Red Planet" due to the presence of iron oxide (rust) on its surface. It exhibits hues ranging from reddish-brown to a more vibrant rusty red. 

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5. Jupiter: 

Jupiter possesses a complex cloud system, with predominant bands of orange, brown, and white. These bands result from different atmospheric compositions and cloud formations. 

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6. Saturn: 

Saturn's atmosphere showcases pale yellow and beige tones. The planet's most notable feature is its system of rings, which primarily appear white or gray. 

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7. Uranus: 

Uranus exhibits a pale blue color attributed to methane in its upper atmosphere. The methane absorbs red light and reflects blue-green light, resulting in its distinct hue. 

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8. Neptune: 

Neptune displays a deep blue color similar to Uranus. This is also due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere, which absorbs red light. 

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