Foods that can make you blind

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Processed meats 

Hot dogs, bacon, and deli meats are high in sodium and saturated fat, which can increase your risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). 

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Sugary drinks 

Soda, juice drinks, and other sugary drinks can contribute to weight gain and increase your risk of developing diabetes, which is a leading cause of blindness. 

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Trans fats 

Trans fats are found in processed foods such as fried foods, baked goods, and margarine. Trans fats can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke, which can also damage your eyes. 

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Refined carbohydrates 

White bread, pasta, and rice are high in refined carbohydrates, which can cause blood sugar spikes. Blood sugar spikes can damage the blood vessels in your eyes and increase your risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. 

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Excessive alcohol consumption 

Drinking too much alcohol can damage the optic nerve and lead to vision loss. 

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Certain medications 

Some medications, such as steroids and certain antibiotics, can have side effects that can damage the eyes. 

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Lack of essential nutrients 

A diet that is lacking in essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E can increase your risk of developing eye diseases such as AMD and cataracts. 

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Certain plants and herbs 

Some plants and herbs, such as jimsonweed and belladonna, can contain toxins that can damage the eyes. 

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Excessive exposure to sunlight 

Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can damage the eyes and increase your risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration. 

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Smoking damages the blood vessels throughout the body, including the blood vessels in the eyes. This can increase your risk of developing eye diseases such as AMD, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. 

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