How to read NCERT for UPSC Civil Services Examination 

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1. Importance of NCERTs for UPSC Preparation 

NCERT books are the starting point and serve as the foundation for UPSC exam preparation. 

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2. Building a Strong Foundation 

Reading NCERTs helps in building a strong conceptual understanding of various subjects and topics. 

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3. Flexibility in Reading Approach 

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to reading NCERTs; aspirants can choose a method that suits them best. 

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4. Recommended Subject to Start With 

Indian Polity NCERT books are suggested for initial reading due to their weightage and simplicity in the syllabus. 

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5. Note-Making Process 

During the first reading, understanding basic concepts is crucial. 

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6. Alternative to Note-Making 

An alternative to note-making is to use CL-NCERT compilations alongside NCERT reading, which provides concise revision notes. 

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7. Old vs. New NCERTs 

Generally, for history, old NCERT books are recommended, while for geography, new ones are preferred. 

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8. Timely Completion of NCERTs 

Aspirants should aim to finish reading all NCERT books within 2 months 

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9. Must-Read List of NCERTs for UPSC 

History: Classes 6 to 12,  Indian Society: Classes 11 and 12, Art & Culture: Classes 11 and 12, Geography: Classes 6 to 12, Economics: Classes 9 to 12, Polity: Classes 9 to 12, Sociology: Class 12, Science and Technology: Classes 7 to 10, Environment and Ecology: Class 12 Biology.

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10. Download NCERTs and Free Resources 

Aspirants can download NCERTs from the official website for free. 

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