Most Dangerous trees in the world 

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1. Manchineel Tree (Hippomane mancinella): 

Found in coastal areas of the Caribbean, Florida, and Central America, the Manchineel tree is often called the "most dangerous tree in the world." 

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2. Sandbox Tree (Hura crepitans): 

Native to tropical regions of the Americas and Africa, the Sandbox tree is known for its explosive seed pods. 

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3. Gympie-Gympie Tree (Dendrocnide moroides): 

Found in the rainforests of Australia, the Gympie-Gympie tree is infamous for its extremely painful stinging hairs. 

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4. African Blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon) 

While not inherently dangerous, the African Blackwood tree is highly prized for its timber, which is used to make musical instruments such as clarinets and oboes. 

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5. Dragon's Blood Tree (Dracaena cinnabari): 

Native to the Socotra archipelago in Yemen, the Dragon's Blood Tree has a unique and striking appearance. Its umbrella-shaped crown and red resin called "dragon's blood" make it a popular tourist attraction. 

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