Places where Photography is Banned

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Taj Mahal, India 

Photography is prohibited inside the main mausoleum of the Taj Mahal. 

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Eiffel Tower, France 

Taking photos of the Eiffel Tower at night is technically illegal, as the light show is actually an artistic display and protected by copyright. 

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Sistine Chapel, Vatican City 

Photography and videography are prohibited inside the Sistine Chapel to protect the precious artwork from harmful camera flashes. 

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Westminster Abbey, London 

Photography is allowed inside Westminster Abbey, but visitors are asked to be respectful of the religious services and events taking place. 

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Las Vegas casinos 

Photography is generally prohibited inside Las Vegas casinos to protect the privacy of gamblers and to prevent players from taking photos of the casino staff's security procedures. 

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The Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 

Photography is prohibited inside and outside of the Pentagon, even on public sidewalks. 

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Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany 

Photography is prohibited inside Neuschwanstein Castle. 

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Valley of the Kings, Egypt 

Photography is prohibited inside the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. 

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