6 MOST Slowest Animals In The World 

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1. Sloth: 

Sloths are renowned for their exceptionally sluggish movements. Spending the majority of their lives suspended upside down from trees, they amble along at a leisurely speed of approximately 0.15 miles per hour 

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2. Garden Snail: 

The garden snail is famously known for its leisurely gait. It moves at an average speed of 0.03 miles per hour 

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3. Starfish: 

Also referred to as sea stars, starfish move at a sluggish pace along the ocean floor. Utilizing numerous tiny tube feet, they glide slowly with an average speed of about 0.03 miles per hour 

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4. Koala: 

Koalas, which are arboreal marsupials, spend most of their time at rest or sleeping in trees. When they do venture to move, they do so at a gentle pace of approximately 0.6 miles per hour 

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5. Giant tortoise

Giant tortoises, the largest of their kind, have a maximum speed of approximately 0.3 kilometers (0.19 miles) per hour. 

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6. Sea horse 

Sea horses possess a maximum velocity of approximately 0.015 kilometers (0.009 miles) per hour as they navigate through their habitat. 

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