Top 10 cutest animals in the world 

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The quokka is a small marsupial native to Rottnest Island, Western Australia. It is known for its friendly disposition and photogenic smile. Quokkas are about the size of a small cat, with gray-brown fur and a short tail. 

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The meerkat is a small mongoose native to southern Africa. It is known for its social behavior and its habit of standing upright on its hind legs. Meerkats live in groups called mobs, which can contain up to 50 individuals. 

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The axolotl is a Mexican salamander that is known for its neoteny, which means that it retains its juvenile features throughout its life. This includes its external gills, which give it a fish-like appearance. 

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Fennec fox 

The fennec fox is the smallest fox species in the world. It is native to the deserts of North Africa. Fennec foxes are known for their large ears, which help to keep them cool in the desert heat.  

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Red panda  

The red panda is a small, arboreal mammal native to the Himalayas and southwestern China. It is known for its reddish-brown fur, white belly, and black mask. Red pandas are about the size of a domestic cat and have a long, bushy tail.  

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Otters are semi-aquatic mammals found in rivers, lakes, and coastal areas worldwide. They are known for their playful behavior and their love of water. Otters are about the size of a medium-sized dog and have a long, streamlined body. 

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Hedgehogs are small, spiny mammals found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. They are known for their ability to roll up into a ball to protect themselves from predators. 

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Baby elephant 

Baby elephants are some of the most adorable animals on the planet. They are about the size of a large dog and have big ears, a long trunk, and a short tail 

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Polar bear 

Polar bears are the largest land predators on Earth. They are native to the Arctic Circle and are known for their white fur and thick blubber layer. Polar bears are about the size of a large cow and have a long neck and powerful forepaws. 

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Sea otter 

Sea otters are marine mammals found in the coastal waters of the North Pacific Ocean. They are known for their playful behavior and their ability to crack open shellfish with their teeth. 

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