Top 10 inspiring TED talks for youngsters 

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The power of vulnerability by Brené Brown 

This talk explores the importance of vulnerability and how it can lead to greater courage, authenticity, and connection. 

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Grit by Angela Lee Duckworth 

This talk challenges the idea that success is determined by IQ and talent, and argues that grit, or perseverance and passion for long-term goals, is more important. 

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The gift of failure by Elizabeth Gilbert 

This talk celebrates failure as a necessary part of the learning process and encourages people to embrace it. 

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The surprising science of happiness by Dan Gilbert 

This talk debunks some common myths about happiness and reveals what actually makes people happy. 

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The body language of power by Amy Cuddy 

This talk shows how our body language can affect our thoughts, feelings, and behavior, and how we can use it to project confidence and power. 

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How to raise successful kids by Michele Borba 

This talk offers practical advice on how parents can raise children who are happy, healthy, and resilient. 

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The end of schooling as we know it by Sir Ken Robinson 

This talk argues that the current education system is outdated and does not prepare students for the 21st century economy. 

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The danger of a single story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 

This talk warns against the dangers of only hearing one story about a person or group of people, and how it can lead to prejudice and discrimination. 

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The power of imagination by Jill Bolte Taylor 

This talk describes the author's experience of a stroke that gave her a unique perspective on the power of the human brain. 

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The future of work by Ryan Avent 

This talk explores the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the future of work, and what it means for young people. 

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