Top 10 Plans that grow in Water

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Lucky Bamboo 

This popular houseplant is known for its easy care and its ability to thrive in water. Lucky bamboo can grow to be several feet tall and comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. 

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Peace Lily 

This elegant plant is known for its beautiful white flowers and its ability to purify the air. Peace lilies can grow to be about 2 feet tall and prefer bright, indirect light. 

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This versatile plant is known for its trailing stems and its ability to tolerate low light conditions. Pothos can grow to be several feet long and can be trained to climb or hang. 

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Spider Plant 

This easy-to-care-for plant is known for its long, spider-like leaves and its ability to produce baby spider plants.  

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Water Lettuce 

This floating plant is known for its delicate leaves and its ability to filter pollutants from water. Water lettuce can grow to be several inches wide and prefers warm, sunny locations. 

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Water Hyacinth 

This purple-flowered plant is known for its rapid growth and its ability to cover ponds and lakes. Water hyacinths can grow to be several feet wide and prefer warm, sunny locations. 

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Water Lily 

This beautiful flowering plant is known for its large, floating pads and its delicate blooms. Water lilies can grow to be several feet wide and prefer warm, sunny locations. 

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This tall, emergent plant is known for its distinctive brown spikes and its ability to filter pollutants from water. 

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Arrowhead Plant 

This tropical plant is known for its arrowhead-shaped leaves and its ability to grow in water or soil. 

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Lotus plants have large, distinctive leaves and stunning flowers. They are commonly found in ponds and lakes. 

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