Yoga Asanas poses to help you lose weight 

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Surya Namaskar  

Surya Namaskar is a powerful sequence of 12 yoga poses that can help you burn calories, improve your cardiovascular health, and tone your entire body. 

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Virabhadrasana I is a standing pose that strengthens your legs, core, and back. It also helps to improve your balance and flexibility. 

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Trikonasana is a standing side bend that helps to stretch your hamstrings, groin, and hips. It also helps to strengthen your core and improve your balance. 

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Adho Mukha Svanasana 

Adho Mukha Svanasana is an inverted pose that helps to stretch your hamstrings, calves, and shoulders. It also helps to strengthen your core and improve your balance.

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Chaturanga Dandasana  

Chaturanga Dandasana is a core-strengthening pose that also works your arms, shoulders, and legs. It is a challenging pose, but it is very effective for burning calories and toning your body.

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Navasana is a challenging core-strengthening pose that also works your legs and hip flexors. It is a great pose for burning calories and toning your body.

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Bhujangasana is a back-bending pose that helps to open up your chest and shoulders. It also helps to strengthen your back and core. 

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Dhanurasana is a back-bending pose that helps to stretch your hamstrings, back, and chest. It also helps to strengthen your core. 

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Setu Bandha Sarvangasana 

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is a back-bending pose that helps to open up your chest and shoulders. It also helps to strengthen your back and core. 

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Balasana is a resting pose that helps to stretch your back and hamstrings. It is also a good pose for relieving stress and tension.

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